The Crime Lord Series is a dark romance series that follows the families who run the criminal underworlds of Las Vegas and New York

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Carmen’s story will be released in two (or three) massive installments totaling over 384k words!

Read a preview of Chapter 1

Which characters will get their own books?




Bonus Scenes, Books 1 - 3

At the end of each book, I have a link to a bonus scene. If you missed this, you can subscribe to my mailing list by clicking on the button below and have it sent to your inbox! When you sign up, you’re added to the Crime Lord Series mailing list and will be notified when there are new releases, promotions, giveaways, etc.


Will there be a prequel for Gavin and Lyla?

I would like to. Gavin and Lyla still have one more book in the series, which ties back to the prequel so that book will have to come out first before I write the prequel.

Are you going to put your books into audio?

Yes! This is on my list of things to do. I am planning a rebrand of the series so once Carmen’s books are out, I’ll start researching narrators who have the time to do multiple books at once so the series is cohesive.