Future of the Singed Series

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Thank you to everyone who picked up a copy of Bitter Confessions and has recommended the series to a friend, made posts on social media, or left a review. If you haven't left a review, please do so, they help me out so much!

Future of the Singed Series

I'm estimating that this will be a 6 book series, with Jasmine and Roth as the main couple for all of the books. The number of installments has changed with the evolution of Roth and Jasmine’s story, which has changed drastically from my initial small vision of who they were and their backgrounds. I actually thought Bitter Heat was going to be a standalone, but when I got to the last quarter of the story, I realized there was a lot more to tell. Same with book 2 and now book 3.

 For sanity’s sake, I’m determined to fit my idea for their story into 3 more installments. I’m pretty sure each one is going to be long as hell so bear with me.

I’ve already started on book 4 and will be working on it throughout the holidays and doing monthly blog posts, letting you all know I’m alive and updating my progress. I hope to be offline for the most part.

I do plan on releasing an extra book from Roth's POV in the future, but that wouldn't be necessary for closure of the series. I've been writing his book alongside these first 3, switching to his perspective when I can't read him as Jasmine. There are also some things only he can show/tell.

This series has been so immersive and unlike anything else I've written. It's been extremely challenging and takes such an emotional toll, but has also been incredibly rewarding. The best thing in the world is to hear these characters have struck a chord with readers. My goal as a writer has not necessarily been to make the readers happy (I would write Harelquins otherwise), but to make them feel. I want the gamut of emotions: frustration, disgust, happiness, arousal, amusement, horror… I hope you’re entertained, at least for a little while. Know I’m hard at work on the next book and will have news of a release date as soon as I’ve completed it.

If you'd like to buy signed paperbacks, you can click here. I'll be processing orders throughout October. There's also an ongoing Goodreads paperback giveaway for Bitter Heat, click here to enter. Closes on October 15.

Thank you for your support of my work! It means the world to me.


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