Bitter Confessions Cover Reveal

Bitter Confessions Cover, Book 3 in the Singed Series

Bitter Confessions Cover, Book 3 in the Singed Series

Background on Cover

I am so thrilled with this cover! I had such a hard time nailing down what I wanted. I got 4 completely different covers done with many iterations in between, but I think this one fits the story the best. I’m so relieved it worked out! My cover designer is a saint.

There’s a lot of symbolic jewelry mentioned throughout the story and a dramatic return to high society, which is what the diamonds represent. I love the darkness and light, the seductive gleam of the diamonds, and the subtle burning on the edges and smattering of ash hinting at a darker undertone… Very appropriate not only for this installment of Roth and Jasmine’s story, but the series overall.

I cannot wait for you to read this installment of Roth and Jasmine’s story! We’re almost there!


James Roth is ruthless, manipulative, deceitful, and a potential sociopath. He may also be the only person standing between her family and ruin.

A series of confessions reveals that Roth isn’t the only one hiding damning secrets. Her family isn’t as innocent as they appear, and Roth may be the only one who can save them.

He’s beginning to show a different side of himself and offer pieces to the puzzle of his past that makes her yearn for more. The lines are beginning to blur. Past, present. Truth, lies. Lust, love.

He leads her back into high society, a place filled with glitz and glamor, but also danger and secrets with deadly consequences. Can she trust her husband or is he still seeking his revenge?

Pre-order available on all major retailers!


Chapter 1 Sneak Peek of Bitter Confessions


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